Week One is here!

Divesheet Update

Mon,  6-25-2018
By Vanessa Flory

We hope that everyone is excited for the first A Meet of the 2018 season. Right now the weather looks good for Tuesday evening!

The dive meet sheets that were handed out at the meeting have caused a little confusion. The first dive must be a forward dive or front fall in. The forward dive may be performed in straight, pike, or tuck (designated by A,B,C or S,P,T). The front fall in does not have a position attributed to it.

We have uploaded a new dive meet sheet to the documents section of the NVSL website, https://dive.mynvsl.com/documents, under number 5, "Dive Officials Information & Meet Support Materials".  This meet sheet should make it easy for announcers. You may use the tablets provided or print out the new sheet.

We have also posted an electronic fillable meet sheet. When a dive number is typed the sheet will populate the dive description and DD. This is another option available for you to use.

Good luck on week 1!
